Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Typical reactions

I tell a lot of people about my current work situation.  I'm sure nobody really cares, but I tell them anyway.  After talking to another lawyer in an elevator today, I noticed that the conversations always go the same way, dependent on whether I'm talking to a non-lawyer or a lawyer. 

Conversation with non-lawyer
Non-lawyer: What do you do?
Me: Well, I'm technically a lawyer...
Non-lawyer: Oh, that must be interesting!  You look to young to be a lawyer!
Me: But, I'm currently unemployed and, since I never liked law, I'm looking to do something different.
Non-lawyer: Why would you do that?  You've already gone through so much schooling and lawyers make so much money?

Conversation with lawyer
Lawyer: What do you do?
Me: Well, I'm technically a lawyer...
Lawyer: That sucks.
Me: But, I'm currently unemployed and, since I never liked law, I'm looking to do something different.
Lawyer: Good for you.  It took me thirty years to do that.

Why weren't lawyer this honest when I was applying to law school?  Misery loves company, I suppose.


  1. Whenever I hear someone say they want to go to law school, I always tell them not to do it. Not worth the student loans, impossible to find a job when you get out, and it's a miserable career for the most part. They NEVER listen to me, they roll their eyes and ignore me. So maybe lawyers do tell people not to apply to law school, but they're not ready to hear it. Although by the way - no one ever told me not to go, that I can remember!!!

  2. I quit a $120k a year job to go to law school. A year after being sworn in, I am back at the same place, earning half of that. Being a lawyer sucked. I wish I had listened to the lawyers who told me so.

  3. I tell people all the time not to go to law school and I am IN law school. I love it, I love my job (I am a spoiled intern who gets to do pretty much everything) and I love school.

    I am a freak of nature who is lucky to get a tuition break. That doesn't apply to most people.

    Good luck with the search.

